船井情報科学振興財団のFunai Overseas Scholarshipの奨学生として、留学し、この度PhDを取得しました。
Thank you.
I would like to have a speech with some quotes from the founder and the former president of Funai Foundation, the late Tetsuro Funai.
I have been selected as a Funai Overseas Scholar in 2012 and obtained PhD degree in Physics from Cavendish Laboratory, Department of Physics, University of Cambridge the highest number of Nobel laureate have been affiliated.
However, due to the research fields of materials synthesis which need huge luck, and also because of my lack of ability and skills, I could not produce high impact research results.
The former president who had read countless self biographies and he thought “historically notable great persons did not give up for nothing. They have done something special”.
Then he got a job halfly by force, at Toyo Sewing Machine where he got a chance for his future career under the post WWII condition.
I also have felt that “it is really miserable to go home with just PhD”. and I have tried countless things in majority of fields by taking advantage of the thinking process in Physics that “essentially thinking, what is the most important and how is the most effective and efficient way?”
As a result, I could win English research outreach presentation competition which I competed with native speaker. I had been awarded for outstanding excellence in both study and sport from University of Cambridge and so on. The number of awards which I have been awarded in recent years is more than 30.
A small amount of success is from countless failures.
In 2012, when I met the former president with other scholars, he said to us, “Hey guys, the number of failures determine your life.”
I absolutely agree to his quote. Now I believe that life is a pile of failures. However, it was not painful as he also said, “clear your mind of all mundane thoughts, and you will find even fire cool.”
Finally, the reason why the former president started supporting Japanese is that he was sad as the presence of Japanese in global world has been decreasing. Personally, the awards which I have been awarded included “first ever Japanese” or “only Japanese” and so on.
However, I fully realize that the achievements are limited and they are in very small areas with huge good lucks, and great supports. I am going to expand my field by continuous challenges and failures. I will try my best to be one of the notable Japanese and the notable alumnus of this Funai Foundation.
It would be great if you could continue your kind support and stay in touch.
Thank you for your listening.
4月21日京都にて船井学術賞、船井研究奨励賞の褒賞式およびFunai Overseas Scholarship贈呈式を開催いたします。